ffNote from Leslie Ellis: The Gestalt approach (Perls, 1969/1992) included in Gendlin’s method brings dreamers into the immediate felt experience of the dream. The work of Bosnak (1996) takes embodied dreamwork to even deeper experiential levels as he invites dreamers to hold and experience felt sense impressions from several places in the dream at one time. Hillman (1979) represents the tradition of depth or archetypal psychology that views dreams as alive and worthy of direct, experiential attention for their own sake. He wrote, “We cannot understand the dream until enter it” (p.80). There isn’t space to flesh out the many ways that these and other modern Jungian experiential dream work methods complement and deepen a focusing-oriented approach to dreams (and vice versa). But it is worth noting that the development of embodied experiential dream work is not unique to Gendlin and owes a debt to Jung. —  from Ellis, L. (2014). Living the Dream: The Evolution of Focusing-Oriented Dream Work. In G.Madison (Ed.), Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Therapy (pp. 166-177).

Note from Katarina: This page includes titles and notes from Bosnak’s  book; some of these have yet to be edited.

Interior Landscape Through Practical Dreamwork
Robert Bosnak
Delacorte Press


1 The Red Center
2 Act of Cenius
3 Vhile Dreaming and Upon Waking
4 Symbiotic Communication
5 Dreaming tacks
6 Dream Practicum 1: Change of Season
7 Dream Practicum 2: Macabre Experiment
8 Tracking Your Own Dreaming
9 My Old Man
Appendix, Dream Material Processed in Chapter Eight Bibliography of Related Work
About tbe Author

Quote from page 

We close our eyes and focus our attention on any element of the dream we may remember — even if all we remember is the tiniest of slivers. Then we wait, trying to prevent memory from flitting about like a butterfly, onto the next image. (Since Aristotle, the Greek word psyche, soul, has also meant “butterfly.”) To our surprise, we find that the act of remembering engenders increasingly detailed recall, one object pulling with it the memory of another.  We concentrate on details of the space that was the dream and find the fog yielding shapes. These new recollections pres- ent themselves spontaneously, as though they were created by the dreaming world that now surrounds us from all sides, dreaming itself while we are awake. At times the detailed “recollection” may not have been part of the actual dream; nevertheless it is a product of its atmosphere.

One of the last remaining things remembered, after a dream has fled from memory, is an atmosphere, a mood. Often it is formless, because the specifics have dissolved in oblivion. Even if this is all one remembers, it is possible to work on the dream, by concentrating on the sensations in the body caused by the mood the dream has left behind. These physical sensations will, in turn, create images-not necessarily the dream images that engendered the mood, but new images that beftt the atmosphere of the previous dreaming.

The atmosphere of a dream is atmosphere in all senses of the word, the mood of a dreamscape, the atmospheric pressure of the dream’s interior, and the medium in which all living dream beings exist.

Upon awakening we often feel ourselves experiencing a sudden decompression, as with the well-known sigh, “Thank God, it’s only a dream!” We were just in Hell, and now we’re in our own marital bed, safe as it were.


About the Author:
Born after the war in the Netherlands, Robert Bosnak received his degree in law and criminology from the Leiden University Law School and continued his studies in Zurich, Switzerland, where he received his diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C. G. Jung lnstitute in 1977. Since then he has been in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while teaching dreamwork worldwide. His first book, A Little Course in Dreams, is generally considered to be a classic on the practice of dreamwork and has been translated into a dozen languages. Robert Bosnak has also organized international conferences on depth psychological undercurrents in politics. He has been married for most of his life and is the father of two adults.


Bibliography  of Related Work

On Australia:

Cowan, James, Mysteries of the Dream-Time, The Spiritual Lift of Australian Aborigines. Bridgeport, Dorset: Prism Press, 1992.

Elkin, A. P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree: Initiation and Sorcery in the World’s Oldest Tradition. Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 1994.

Tacey, David,  Edge of the Sacred, Transformation in Australia. Melbourne: HarperCollins, l985.

On Dreaming:

Bulkeley, Kelly, The Wilderness of Dreams. Binghamton, N.Y., State University of New York Press, 1994.

Bynum, Edward Bruce, Families and tbe Interpretation of Dreams. Binghamton, N.Y.: The Harrington Park Press, lgg3.

Constable, C., ed., Dreams and Dreaming. New York: Time-Life Books, 1990.


Corbin, Henry, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of lbn-Arabi. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969.

Delaney, Gayle, Breakthrough Dreaming: How to Tap the Power of Your 24-hour Mind. New York: Bantam Books, 1991.

Faraday, Ann, Dream Power. New York: Berkeley Publishing, 1972.

Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams. New York: Avon Books, 1965.

Gackenbach, Jane, and Jane Bosveld, Control Your Dreams. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.

Garfield, Patricia , Creative Dreaming. New York: Ballantine Books, 1974.

Gendlin, Eugene T., Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams. Willamette, Ill.: Chiron Publications, 1986.

Hall, James A., Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1983.

Hartmann, Ernest, The Nightmare: The Psychology and Biology of Terrifying Dreams. New York: Basic Books, 1984.

Hillman, James, The Dream and the Underworld. New York: Harper and Row,1979.

Hobson, J. A., The Dreaming Brain. New York: Basic Books, 1988.

Jung, C. G., Dreams, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University

Kelsey, Morton, Dreams, A Way to Listen to God. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1978.

Krippner, Stanley, ed., Dreamtime & Dreamwork. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, 1990.

LaBerge, S. L., Lucid Dreaming. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, 1985.

Mack, John, The Nightmare. New York: Columbia University Press, 1989.

Maguire, Jack, Night & Day, Use the Power of Your Dreams to Transform Your Life, New York: Fireside, 1989.


Maybruck, Patricia, Pregnancy & Dreams. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, 1989.

Reed, Henry, Getting Help from Your Dreams. Virginia Beach, Va.: Inner Vision, 1985.

Savary, Louis M., P. H. Berne, and S. K. Williams, Dreams and Spiritual Growth, A Christian Approach to Dreamwork, Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1984.

Siegel, Alan B., Dreams That Can Change Your Life. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, 1990.

Taylor, Jeremy, Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill. New York, Varner Books, 1992.

Ullman, Montague, and Nan Zimmerman, Working with Dreams. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, 1979.

Van de Castle, Robert, Our Dreamin! Miud. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.

Von Franz, Marie Louise, Dreams, New York: Shambhala Publications, 1990.

Watkins, Mary, Waking Dreams. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1992.

Wiseman, Ann Sayre, Nigbtmare Help: A Guide for Adults and Children. Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press, 1986.

A much more comprehensive list of titles on dreaming is available through:
Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD)
PO Box 1600
Vienna, Virginia 22183