Focusing Principles & Programmes
“… The body IS an interaction process with the environment, and therefore the body IS its situations. The body isn’t just a sealed thing here, with an external situation over there, which it merely interprets. Rather, even before we think and speak, the living body is already one interaction process with its situation. The situation is not out there, nor inside. The external “things” and the subjective “entities” are derived from one single life-interaction process (which they always bring along with them).” (Eugene Gendlin)
“The felt sense responds to our inquiry. Gendlin says, “IT talks back.” The poet searches for the
next line of her poem. There are many possible ways the poem can continue which would seem
to say what she wants to convey. But only the one ‘clicks in.'” Lynn Preston (page 8)
“When I make direct reference to my experiencing, Gendlin calls what I find the felt sense, a term he coined. A felt sense is a bodily felt, implicitly rich “sense of some situation, problem, or aspect of one’s life.” It is “the holistic, implicit, bodily sense of a complex situation” Neil Freidman (page 24)
“… the total mesh of implying (the feel of what “all this” is like) is far more intricate than just a choice of water over something else. Consider just a few of the other implyings: wanting to finish a particular thought, or having that particular thought in the first place, or wanting to write an article, or being interested in philosophy and psychotherapy…Each of these implyings would lead in other directions, to more implyings. This intricate mesh of implying exists as a whole, with everything already in a meaningful relationship with everything else. Everything functions together, implicitly present in one explicit choice to drink water right now.” Rob Parker (page 42)
The Beauty of Focusing
perhaps you would like to just pause …
for a moment …
“Space, for us, is always a result,
an “in” that is generated by a sequence.
Any sequence goes on in its own generated space.“
– Eugene Gendlin, A Process Model, 1997, page 242
Focusing was developed by Gene Gendlin at the University of Chicago during the 1950s and 60s, under the guidance of Carl Rogers. His writings include Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning: a Philosophical and Psychological Approach to the Subjective (1962)
“This is an experiential and relational process. So a lot has to do with the nature of our interaction, how we perceive it, what we pay attention to, what we respond to… ”
––Serge Prengel. Reinventing Focusing, Moment By Moment,
workshop notes for February 29, 2020
“The Focusing 2010 Membership Directory listed about 2,000 members in over 40 countries.”
There are many different schools of Focusing. The foundation of our teaching at Thinking in Movement Studio is four-fold:
- Whole Body Focusing as furthered by Astrid Schillings; Focusing with the Spirit-body and Gestural Leads as developed by Glenn Fleisch
- Active Pause (AP), an extension of Focusing pioneered by Serge Prengel
- Meditative Listening, a Focusing style created by Rob Foxcroft.
- Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF), a step wise syllabus created by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin.
Thinking in Movement Studio reference pages ~ comments welcome
Reading Group: Line-by-Line Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph.D. ©2012
Reading Group: Mike McCullough “Self Organizing of Growing and Perceiving” Gendlin-Aristotle in relation to S. Kauffman and R.D. Ellis
Focusing Basics and Teacher Training Syllabus
(Katarina Halm in collaboration with a Certifying Coordinator)
Whole Body Focusing as furthered by Astrid Schillings
Gendlin/Ullman Dream Appreciation as pioneered by Janet Pfunder
Focusing with Dreams: Patterns and Symbols
Ginsburg Study, phenomenological crossings central to Focusing as depicted by Carl Ginsburg
(place cursor on a testimonial to pause auto rotation)
Dreams can be an amazing resource in our lives, and are well worth learning about. In addition, Gendlin’s writing on dreams is an excellent bridge into the Philosophy of the Implicit; and Katarina is a excellent teacher, who approaches her subject with wonderful energy, sensitivity, and intelligence.
As a teacher, of the practical and philosophical tradition of Focusing, Katarina shares her knowledge in a gentle, nurturing way, being attuned to her students and ensuring that they are supported in every aspect of their learning process. Every student is important to Katarina; she devotes many additional hours in ensuring that everyone has the help they need in all her courses.
Katarina’s warmth, receptivity, and intelligence immediately won my trust. Her skills and experience allowed me to Focus deeply and led to some profound insights. It is rare for me to feel so safe so quickly in some-body’s hands. She is very very good at what she does and I recommend her.
As with any art, the basics are always the most important part. With focusing, this is doubly true. We are learning a way of perceiving that is not customary in our culture, and sometimes we need repeated exposure to get it. Each time I repeat a class, something that I had heard before suddenly becomes meaningful to me.
With Katarina’s patient guidance, we learned about the importance of “Presence” and did much worthwhile practice being the Focuser as well as the Companion/Listener. Katarina is an enthusiastic, experienced instructor. She’s very knowledgeable about “Encountering the Inner Relationship” and makes the class lively and enjoyable.
I’m glad I chose Katarina for my first Level 1. With a good mixture of new and experienced Focusers in the class, I felt she was sensitive to my needs, and clearly answered any questions that arose. She encouraged us to participate in the online forum, which I found useful and rewarding. She also encouraged us to make the most of practice partnerships with other class members, both in class and between classes. I felt supported by her generosity, knowledge and dedication.
I just realized how much I loved to listen to Katarina accompanying Jael in today’s class – the tone, the weight, the empathy, everything felt just RIGHT. Like a very graceful dance together. I am now completing my wonderful journey of Levels 1-4 Inner Relationship Focusing with both of you and at this moment I can really receive that quality of “mastery” – having read the manual, practiced with and without cuecards – and now just listen to somebody bringing this to life so wonderfully. It is like having read the notes – and then hearing the real music!
I’m very impressed with Katarina and Jael as teachers. They are kind, thoughtful, respectful, affirming, fun-loving, and problem-solving risk-takers. Katarina and Jael , thank you for thoughtfully answering my questions and explaining how Focusing works from the Focuser and Companion positions. I’m grateful to have meet you and hope one day that we can give one another a real hug. I feel as if I have new friends and it’s wonderful to know that people such as the two of you, are willing to give of your time and expertise to train others in this deepening form of knowing oneself.
Katarina is a compassionate guide, giving space-full listening and interesting feedback connected to relevant articles. Her welcoming attitude embraces all members of the group and enhances working with dreams. Looking at dreams in this attitude enables them to become more and more meaningful, developing an insightful connection to real life.
I really have appreciated the class. It’s opened up a new way to do focusing for me and my focusing partner, Anne. I have appreciated getting to do dream focusing with so many interesting and capable persons and it has given me a deeper understanding of some of my dreams. I especially appreciated your guidance in the conference calls. I loved having pictures of the participants and I felt there was a presence in reflecting back what others had said which really enhanced the communication.
Thanks again for putting together this wonderful group, as well as for taking care of us in such an empathic way! I have also enjoyed very much having a companion during the week. All of them have been great.
We’ve all been given advice to “sleep on it” hoping for clarity and direction the next morning. Now you can learn to “focus on it”. Using Gendlin’s experiential process, Katarina Halm demonstrates how “Focusing and Dreams” can shift our awareness to a more receptive state of intuitive guidance. Dream focusing is a free-flowing, open, gentle and accepting approach to exploring all the possibilities associated with our creative work, problem-solving, decision-making and interpersonal skills. As a student in Katarina’s class I have enjoyed learning how to cultivate the nuances of my dreams.
The following are registrations, copyrights, trademarks and credits to which we are indebted: The name of this website is from “Thinking in Movement”, chapter 12 in the book Primacy of Movement, expanded 2nd edition 2011, by Maxine Sheets-Johnstone. Bones for Life™ is a registered trademark of Ruthy Alon; Pregnant Pauses™ is a registered trademark of Alan Questel. SOUNDER SLEEP SYSTEM® is a copyright of Paris Kern, the founder was Michael Krugman. Yamuna Body Rolling® is a registered trademark of Yamuna Zake.
Katarina Halm, M.A., GCFP, CFT GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education – Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA) Nominating Commitee, Practitioner;
CFT Focusing & Dream Appreciation: CFT Focusing & Dream Appreciation: Certified Focusing Trainer with The International Focusing Institute;
Level 3 Instructor Canadian Taijiquan Federation; Pregnant Pauses®, Practitioner;
Sounder Sleep System™Assistant Trainer; Yamuna Body Rolling®,Practitioner;
Movement Intelligence (MI) Trainer providing Certification training in:(1) Bones for Life® (2) Chairs (3) Walk for Life (4) Mindful Eating (5) Solutions for Optimum Mobility.
Feldenkrais Canada
The following are service marks, trademarks, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in Canada: Feldenkrais Guild(TM), Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais® Method or Feldenkrais Method(TM), Awareness Through Movement®, Prise de conscience par le mouvement(MD), Functional Integration®, FI(TM), L’intégration fonctionnelle(MD), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher(TM) , GCFT(TM), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(TM), GCFP(TM), Certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Teacher(TM), CFATMT(TM), Friends of Feldenkrais(SM) , Feldenkrais Journal(TM), and FGNA Feldenkrais Method Logo.
Feldenkrais US
The following are service marks, trademarks, collective, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in the US: Feldenkrais Guild®, Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, GCFT(CM), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM), GCFP(CM), Certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Teacher(CM), CFATMT(CM), Feldenkrais Journal(TM), Friends of Feldenkrais(SM), and FGNA Feldenkrais Method Logo.