Noting copyrights and honouring The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Distribution Center

Seminal Feldenkrais Materials

We are grateful to Kai Schaper, IFF Materials Manager for giviing permission to share a two minute clip from the Amherst training with colleagues, and Allegra Ambrosia Heidelinde, IFF Materials Distribution Secretary for her kind assistance.

The copyrights for the Amherst Study Materials are emphasized when we share a two minute clip during our discussion of lesson or lecture from the Amherst training. It is not only a question of the copyrights themselves but also one of honoring the Feldenkrais community’s tremendouns energy and money spent on creating and safeguarding the materials for everyone of us.

The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Amherst Training materials are already available to all Feldenkrais and ABM Trainees and Practitioners, and may be purchased online at the IFF website here:…/amherst-training…/ 

A free member account is required to gain access to the full catalog of materials, which includes many free materials courtesy of the IFF Archive. To create a Free IFF account use the REGISTRATION link:

to Navigating The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Distribution Center
(this informal guide includes steps to locating the beautiful  IFF pages and resources)

Navigating the International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Distribution Center
for Alexander Yanai (AY) lessons, Amherst, Esalen, SF, Master Moves, additional trainings, Moshé’s FI videos, books, and more: a tutorial/guide/compilation for Feldenkrais® or Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) Practitioners and Trainees, intended to be used in learning how to follow the IFF pages for viewing and purchasing the IFF study materials. The compilation grew out of tutorials for practitioners from the An-AY-a-Day meetings. Having the IFF and dropbox picture links ready for the Zoom chat has been useful. We trust the guide may be enjoyed by colleagues in the wider Feldenkrais® and (ABM) community. © document prepared by Katarina Halm November 2019, excluding images and content which are © International Feldenkrais® Federation.
Navigating The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Distribution Center

Noting that the Amherst Training materials are already available to all Trainees, and may be purchased online at the IFF website here:…/amherst-training……

A free member account is required to gain access to the full catalog of IFF materials, which includes many free materials courtesy of the IFF Archive.

To create a Free IFF account use the REGISTRATION link: