Gentle step are the foundation of all our programs at Thinking in Movement.
Classes Developed for You in a Small Group.
Individual Lessons to Complement the Classes.
* Improve your posture, stamina and balance.
* Learn how to find the rest and quality sleep you need.
* Listen to yourself and others in new ways.
* Enjoy moving gently, easily, elegantly!
Learn to tune in to your very own movement patterns. Sense which postures and flows are most appropriate for you to practice at any particular time. These lessons support you in finding your very own rhythm so you can enjoy your movements throughout each day. You will discover more connection with your living process – more balanced emotions, greater mental clarity, and better general health.
Focusing classes and the Focusing certification program take place throughout the year in British Columbia, Washington State, and by teleconference.
* Introduction to Focusing with Class Descriptions * Inner Relationship Focusing and Meditative Listening ~ Becoming a Focusing Teacher with Katarina Halm
Awareness Through Movement® classes and individual Functional Integration® sessions take place weekly in Vancouver. I have been honored to serve as Canadian-Region Co-Representative to the Feldenkrais Guild of North America. For an essay on my approach to the Method see: Feldenkrais® and Focusing.
Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®
Bones for Life®
Bones for Life®
Your Easy Vision & Tai Chi
Your Easy Vision & Tai Chi
Pregnant Pauses™
Pregnant Pauses™
Yamuna Body Rolling®
Yamuna Body Rolling®
Sounder Sleep System™
$75-10 classes; $10-single class by prior arrangement
$50-single workshop; $85-two workshops; $150-four workshops prepaid
$50-half hour lessons; $85 one hour lessons; Series discount upon request
For Focusing training fees Click CONTACT
Telephone: Katarina Halm 604-263-9123 or c/o 778-859-1234
Email: [email protected] THE STUDIO SPACE Click on an image to view larger
- Sunny Dragon by Neil Darymple from Wales in a sunny corner of Thinking in Movement Studio
Bones for Life™ is a Registered Trademark of Ruthy Alon
Sounder Sleep System™ is a Registered Trademark of Michael Krugman
Pregnant Pauses™ is a Registered Trademark of Alan Questel
* The terms Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement, and Functional Integration are registered service marks in Canada of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD of North America (FGNA).
Yamuna Body Rolling® is a Registered Trademark of Yamuna Zake