Please enjoy the questions and complete the form in as much or as little detail as you wish, or you could ask Katarina to complete the form with you.

Registration for Thinking in Movement

Katarina Halm ~  Thinking in Movement
Thinking in Movement: Katarina Halm, M.A., GCFP
* Dream Appreciation Group Process: Bosnak, Gendlin, Mindell, Ullman
* Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education:
    ~ workshops & private lessons; competency consultations
    ~  Group classes: Awareness Through Movement (ATM)®
    ~ Private lessons: Functional Integration (FI)®
* Movement Intelligence certification programme ~ Bones for Life® ~ Chairs ~ Walk for Life ~ Mindful Eating
* Canadian Taijiquan Federation Level Three Instructor
* Pregnant Pauses™   * Sounder Sleep System®   * Yamuna Body Rolling®
* Volunteer Administrator for Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness (DEEP):


Introducing Yourself