“Ever Flowing River” 不斷流動的河流.

“Ever Flowing River” 不斷流動的河流.

Feldenkrais & Taiji share several principles: combining these practices in our workshop will provide a bird’s eye view of how they enhance each other.

“Close the Gate to Push at the Moon” 關門推月

The Symbol of Taiji
The yin yang symbol of two teardrops creates the sense of movement. The left side of the circle is filled with the white teardrop with its bulb at the top as though it is ascending. The black teardrop descends with the bulb shape located at the bottom of the circle. This creates the illusion of a clockwise movement.

Feldenkrais® & Taiji


#1 YIN (LU) Lung#2 YANG (LI) Large Intestine/
#3 YANG (ST) Stomach#4 YIN (SP) Spleen
#5 YIN (HT) Heart#6 YANG (SI) Small Intestine
#7 YANG (UB) Urinary Bladder & #8 YIN (KD) Kidney
#9 YIN Pericardium & #10 YANG Triple Heater
#11 YANG (GB) Gall Bladder & #12 YIN (LV) Liver
#13 (CV) Conception Vessel & #14 (GV) Governing Vessel

This list is from Yin Yang House: https://yinyanghouse.com

The following chart shows the times of meridian activity and the entry and exit points: (The chart is from: https://theory.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/locations_theory_and_clinical_applications)

Here are the times with  links to the individual pages

3-5 AM #1: YIN (LU) Lung
5-7 AM #2: YANG (LI) Large Intestine
7-9 AM #3:YANG (ST) Stomach
9-11 AM #4:YIN (SP) Spleen
11 AM-1 PM #5: YIN (HT) Heart
1-3 PM #6:YANG (SI) Small Intestine
3-5 PM #7 YANG (UB) Urinary Bladder
5-7 PM #8 YIN (KD) Kidney
7-9 PM #9 YIN Pericardium
9-11 PM #10 YANG Triple Heater
11 PM-1 AM #11 YANG (GB) Gall Bladder
1-3 AM #12 YIN (LV) Liver

General introduction to the organ systems – HeartLungsSpleenLiver, and Kidneys.

You may start your exploration by choosing a meridian from the list below.

Common Acupressure Points for Self-Treatment