☆☆ Grannies take Switzerland to court on behalf of climate change

article by Susanne Wenger Swiss Review December 2023 ☆☆

Grand Chamber hearing – 29 March 2023

Taj Baker & Gwenn Cody

Hope in the Unknown: Facing the Climate Emergency

“Capacity to stay embodied while facing climate crises is important to well-being. We will use tools from Focusing and Theatrical Improv to build bridges between embodied presence and creative responses to unknown events, to increase resilience and hope and meaningful action when outcomes aren’t known.” –– Taj Baker

Dec 4, 2021, 

Link for more information


Part of  The Third 

Felt Sense Conference 


“Embodied Liberation: the Felt Sense 

& Social Justice”

December 3 – 5, 2021

In relation to Gendlin’s Philosophy (English / En Español )

APM IV-A h-1) Crossing, Metaphor, Law of Occurring

What have been considered the antecedent “determinants” that shape what happens are themselves shaped by participating in this shaping…

… Order comes from implying and occurring. Occurring doesn’t just fill out an abstract order. The word “possible” needs a more intricate use. What is possible in implying and occurring is not predetermined. Of course what occurred, could occur. Since it occurred, it was possible. We can reverse this and say: What could occur at the given juncture, did. I call this the “law of occurrence.

We must notice: This introduces a distinction into the meaning of “could.” Everything that “could” happen enters into eveving and occurring, and is (re)generated. Looking back from the occurring, the word “could” could only say what the implying (eveving) and occurring could in fact do together. The system of possibilities which the event (re)generates behind itself in linear time may not have been possibilities that entered into the event. No abstract set of possibilities determines what “could” carry the implying forward — this is not determined, neither in advance nor in retrospect.

Since eveving takes no time, we can say that whatever could participate, did. Whatever aspects could be relevant, were relevanted.8 Now, if we retrospectively specify them, they are aspects. The “could” and the “they” are determined along with what occurred rather than being an antecedent scheme.

“You and I HAPPENING TOGETHER makes us IMMEDIATELY DIFFERENT different than we usually are.” (with emphasis added by Katarina Halm, Quoting Gendlin, E.T. (1997) A Process Model (APM) Chapter IVB TIME)

“It is commonly said that each of our relationships “brings out” different traits in us, as if all possible traits were already in us, waiting only to be “brought out.” But actually you affect me. And with me you are not just yourself as usual, either. You and I HAPPENING TOGETHER makes us IMMEDIATELY DIFFERENT different than we usually are. Just as my foot cannot be the walking kind of foot-pressure in water, we occur differently when we are the environment of each other. How you are when you affect me is ALREADY AFFECTED by me, and not by me as I usually am, but by me as I occur WITH you.”

APM Gene ~ Navy IF cans (Intermediate Frequency)
“If we want to imagine this happening in linear time (differences occurring one after the other) I can tell a STORY: When I was in the Navy, I learned to repair and tune the radio receivers of that time. They had several parts called “IF cans” (Intermediate Frequency), each of which had a screw on top. I had to turn the screw on the first one to the point where the signal is loudest. Further turning diminishes the signal again”

“Then I would turn the screw on the second to its maximum. But this would make a difference to the first. I would turn the screw on the first o what was now the loudest point. But this would affect the second, so it had to be turned to its loudest again. Now this altered the first again, but only a little. After going back and forth a number of times, both are at their loudest. Now came the third, and then each time going between the second and the first again, second and first, second and first, between every tuning of the third. And so with the fourth, where one must return third, second, and first, second and first, between every two tunings of the fourth”

“Eventually ALL DIFFERENCES all of them can make to each other, and all the differences that makes to all the differences, and so on, is taken account of. (In section h) I ask about how “loudest” works here as the direction.)

The point is that there is a RESULT. All differences having made their differences, the result is what it is. It is the result of EVERYTHING AFFECTED BY EVERYTHING (“evev”). But in our model the differences do not occur. Only the result occurs” (emphasis added EVERYTHING AFFECTED BY EVERYTHING (“evev”)

“There is no single set of separate things that could be [page 42] “everything” or “all.” What happens remakes “all” parts and differences. Implying is MORE ORDERED than a structure of parts, processes, or differences; occurring redetermines its multiplicity. (In ECM this is discussed as the “reversal of the usual philosophic order.”)
In the story of the IF cans, each new tuning takes time. But everything x everything does not take (or make) more time than the occurring itself. The differences which each makes in the others, and they in it, are not actual occurrences, nor actual time-spans.” 6

~~ and later ~~ “f) Focaling
In my story about tuning the radio, the direction was given in advance by my desire for the loudest, so that I could receive distant stations. The PURPOSE of a machine (or anything we make) remains in the DESIGNER. But how does it arise in the designer? If it must be brought to the designer by still another designer, how could they ever arise? So we need to ask: How does PURPOSE and DIRECTION arise from within a process? For lack of this question today, everything is treated as if it were a machine, and moreover a machine that had no designer. Our purposes are left unthinkable within our science (which is nevertheless influenced by many purposes).” …

” In re-tuning each IF can, the DIFFERENCES became SMALLER and SMALLER and reached a STABLE RESULT. But without a purpose or direction, how can the eveving arrive at a result?” (emphasis added} SMALLER and SMALLER and reached a STABLE RESULT. “

APM IV-A g-2) Old and new models: some contrasts

…Can we conceive of a model in which actual occurring could change the system of possibilities? Of course, we would often employ a static set of units to formulate predictions. But we would not require that they be read backward.

In practice, of course, scientists revise their theories and systems of what is possible – and they do so retroactively by seeing what occurs. In practice there is a relationship between one version of such a theory, and the next improved version. Instead of sameness, we could take that wider type of relationship as our model instance.

The issue goes to the heart of the question: how shall we think of an occurrence? We are thinking philosophically, that is to say we are rethinking some basic assumptions of our concepts.

Why limit our model with the assumption that nothing ever really happens? Or can we sufficiently develop a model in which occurring creates (re-creates) order and possibility, rather than the reverse?

APM Chapter II: Functional Cycle

…In the old model everything is assumed to stay “the same” so that change is explained by tracing identical units that are only rearranged. In the old model the system of localizations and possibilities always remains the same. Instead, let us begin with change. Later we will derive “the same” from change.

Occurring is change; something happens. Occurring into implying can change the implying. The occurring sequence is also a sequence of changes in the implying. So the sequence is not determined from the implying in one event.

The process is a changed implying all along the line.

We can go a step further: Since implying implies a next occurring, and since occurring changes implying, therefore implying implies a change in implying. It implies its own change. The sequence can be defined as the implied changes in implying. But those are not determined possibilities.

Climate Change & Gendlin’s Philosophy

Scientists Stage Worldwide Climate Change Protests After IPCC Report April 2022

A call for change … “end the fossil fuel industry and the exponential quest for ever more profit at the expense of everything else.”

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

‘In recent years, scientists have warned about a weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which transports warm, salty water from the tropics to northern Europe and then sends colder water back south along the ocean floor. Researchers who study ancient climate change have also uncovered evidence that the AMOC can turn off abruptly, causing wild temperature swings and other dramatic shifts in global weather systems.’  (emphasis added) 


Definition (AMOC)   https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/oceans/amoc

 A PDF COPY of the Daniel Swain article:
July 23, 2021 Short Interview with Daniel Swain, climate scientist PDF

Noting Swain’s  statement:

“I’m less convinced that recent events tell us that things are moving faster than projections have suggested,” Swain said. “But I am increasingly convinced that we’ve underestimated the impacts of some of the changes that were actually fairly well predicted.”

Is climate change happening faster than expected? A climate scientist explains

July 23, 2021
A Short Interview with Daniel Swain,
Climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles who is an authority on extreme weather, wildfires, and other climate impacts.

With appreciation from https://grist.org/article/is-climate-change-happening-faster-than-expected-a-climate-scientist-explains/

the difference between “prediction” and “impact evaluation”.


“Can we conceive of a model in which actual occurring could change the system of possibilities? Of course, we would often employ a static set of units to formulate predictions. But we would not require that they be read backward.

In practice, of course, scientists revise their theories and systems of what is possible – and they do so retroactively by seeing what occurs. In practice there is a relationship between one version of such a theory, and the next improved version. Instead of sameness, we could take that wider type of relationship as our model instance.

The issue goes to the heart of the question: how shall we think of an occurrence? We are thinking philosophically, that is to say we are rethinking some basic assumptions of our concepts.

Why limit our model with the assumption that nothing ever really happens? Or can we sufficiently develop a model in which occurring creates (re-creates) order and possibility, rather than the reverse?

(emphasis added)

–– Eugene T. Gendlin A Process Model (1997) APM IV-Ag-2. Page 51 CHAPTER IV-A: A DIFFERENT CONCEPT OF THE BODY, NOT A MACHINE a) The body (when a process stops) is what continues; it is the other process 


Extreme Heatwaves & Climate Change— A Discussion of Attribution & Probability


On Stochastic Process

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_process “In probability theory and related fields, a stochastic (/stoʊˈkæstɪk/) or random process is a mathematical object usually defined as a family of random variables. Stochastic processes are widely used as mathematical models of systems and phenomena that appear to vary in a random manner. Examples include the growth of a bacterial population, an electrical current fluctuating due to thermal noise, or the movement of a gas molecule…”

** ‘climate doesn’t follow a normal distribution’


Cambio Climático En Español ~ temas de apoyo

Entre los indicios del colapso civilizatorio, está la imposibilidad de hablar sobre el cambio climático. Las noticias desesperan sin embargo a la gente le cuesta mucho hablar de lo que realmente nos esta pasando.

Pero mismo como el “clima”, que esperamos que se pase en algún momento. ¿Qué es eso que esperamos que se pase? Pues una pequeña lista para saturarte y que quieras leer otra cosa:

  • 50 Grados Celsius en un pueblo de Canadá.
  • La relación entre el Hielo/Agua liquida planetaria al mínimo conocido.
  • Récord de deforestación en el amazonas.
  • En Turquía y China llovió tanto en algunas ciudades como lluvias r

¿Todo debido al cambio climático? Como dice Justin Trudeau. Pues no señor político Justin. No! personas con Miami peach en la cabeza. No es debido al cambio climático, es debido al estilo de vida humana que afecta el clima.

Y estas palabras siguen por aqui….https://www.alfohumano.com.ar/nueva-normalidad-en-el-colapso-civilizatorio/

Por supuesto, a nosotros nos gusta el cambio desde la integridad, o sea, sin votar políticos. Empezando por la agencia de la propia corporalidad.

Aprendizaje continuo de Focusing. Escucha Corporal.

Grupo miércoles 17:30 hs (arg). Aula Virtual!

Si todavía no sabés que es Focusing te invito a leer este PDF y participar de las clases semanales que doy.

Próximo circulo de Comunicación Creativa.

El 28 de Agosto. A las 17 hs ARG

Nos juntamos a compartir y descubrir potencialidades creativas en nuestra comunicación. Nos enfocaremos en la Asertividad Corporizada.

Adjunct References

2 replies
  1. happybones
    happybones says:

    “Our most pressing challenge is keeping our planet healthy. This is the greatest responsibility and opportunity of our times.
    I want Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. To make this happen, we must take bold steps together. ”
    –– Ursula von der Leyen, Strasbourg, 16/07/2019

  2. happybones
    happybones says:

    With appreciation to MEG (Maria Emanuela Galanti),
    here are links to her pages:
    Formatrice (Trainer) di Focusing
    Registro Formatori Professionisti A.I.F. N. 1030
    Attivista dell’ascolto empatico https://www.facebook.com/groups/221733198230050
    Prevenzione della violenza sulle donne
    Blog sul Focusing e la filosofia dell’implicito


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Terms / developing definitions and descriptions

A spot for developing descriptions and terms …