Resonant Sensing for Peace XXX – notes from October 14, 2014

Three of us, Bruce, Eric, Katarina, met for another powerful session …  healing for our dear earth … a discussion of Peter Levine’s work on ‘Waking the Tiger’, natural ways that injured creatures find healing … throughout the hour we developed this theme … coming to our stopping place we found that a very gentle rocking for our earth, a rocking kind of holding of our earth, brought us a sense of contributing in a very real way.  See Bruce’s notes below:


From Bruce Nayowith

Dropping the blue tent. Dolores Krieger used to teach that, when things got hectic around other healers that use Theraputic Touch, if they felt in danger or liable to be disrupted or affected by things around them, that they could drop an energetic blue tent over themselves.

This has a calming effect, and yet one can still effectively interact with others as well.

It goes over one’s head and settles in to whatever one is grounded on…

Helps bring one inside

Helps invoke a Focusing attitude

It also has a protective effect, if someone is interfering…


Deep self-restoring reflexes exist in the body. IF we let them work. Peter Levine’s work…

Wondering what that might be like in working with the planet?

Peter worked with places in people that were frozen stuck.

He looked for the frozen place

And then he encouraged the expression of the protective movements that had been stifled… Allowing the self protective movements that had been blocked..


Restoring of the natural flow of the organism.

Could something that simple lead to deep healing, on a global level? Wanting to sense into that possibility.


What might be the frozen places?

What wants to happen?


Sensing in for a parallel that would apply to the Earth…

Something that would work on a deep level, a fundamental restoration…


This is mostly done with touch, non-verbal….


Grounding self in the circle, and energetically placing hands on the Earth in a special way. Unsure exactly what this is, but it feels as if it could be sensed…


This may involve us getting bigger, so that big hands can do this, hold this…

Feeling the bigger, big enough to touch and to hold..


The Earth is crying. “I didn’t want this… They did this to me….”

Feeling its helplessness, how much it doesn’t want this…


Feeling a strong, somewhat angry, assertive “I don’t want this!”


Processing its helplessness and grief… feeling it…

Feeling it in self, and sensing what it is like out there…


Like a screaming “I gave you life, and you betrayed me….   My children are monsters!”  Still a helplessness there…

The dilemma of her children… a stuckness in there


There is a lot of solve-it energy, and, it feels good to breathe, to say hello to it, not just being in it…


The big me wants to rock it a little, to be with it all and rock it, with caring and tenderness…

Sharing the felt sense of loving

Being big, rocking it…


Feeling a response from the Earth…. Someone showing some caring. It seemed good for the Earth, and perhaps for us personally, to care…


Something about the Earth feeling held…

It doesn’t feel so alone, so scared…


There is a lot of grief about it feeling so alone..


Feeling the Earth, having the Earth feel us, registering it.. this heals the split, forms a kind of ‘we’.


“I may be a little thing, but I am holding you”

Connecting with our own being, power, agency…. Putting it out there…


Welcoming it into being

Feeling the rocking

Feeling the difference that makes


Considering what we have been given, and what we have offered…..


A bit of rocking can make a difference

The blue tent, dropping all the way down

Carrying that energy with us into the day

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