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Thinking in Movement Studio & Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative

Resources for Professionals & Everyone

Thinking in Movement Studio:
We foster Ethics and Autonomy through Feldenkrais®, Focusing, Movement Intelligence, Sounder Sleep System™. Taijiquan, and related modalities.

Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative:
Our mission is to make Feldenkrais® classes accessible to younger generations and to people from a variety of multicultural communities. –– A project of the Feldenkrais Legacy Forum (FLF), which is a part of the Feldenkrais Educational Foundation of North America (FEFNA)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You could click the blue ‘subscribe’ button at the bottom of this window if you wish to receive email updates.

Listed below are some projects which may interest you.


1/ Daily notes relating to your studies
2/ Class resources for the studio and beyond
3/ Posts and informal study pages


1/ Updates and links for Feldenkrais® and related practitioners’ collaborative discussions and continuing competency studies
2/ Move Focus Prepare (MFP) & Psychological First Aid (PFA) facilitator workshops for counselors and others
3/ Professional teaching and learning laboratories

For questions and wishes, you could visit

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Warmest best wishes for staying safe and well,