John Pepper shared his marvelous and hope-filled story in Vancouver and Salt Spring September 24-30, 2016. John began teaching  his unique way of managing Parkinson’s symptoms during presentations for two hundred followers.

Feldenkrais® practitioners Jane Williams and Katarina Halm are honoured to continue teaching John’s Conscious Walking for Parkinson’s. .

Purchase John’s Book Above

John Pepper‘s Walking Therapy: A man’s journey to walk off his Parkinson’s symptoms

Next Steps in Vancouver for John Pepper’s Conscious Walking for Parkinson’s
 with Katarina Halm

In 2015, John Pepper’s findings were described by Dr Norman Doidge in his book “The Brain’s Way of Healing”.  John Pepper is featured in Chapter 2, which is titled, “A Man Walks Off His Parkinson’s Symptoms”.  In a previous book Dr Doidge documented research showing that the brain is not hardwired but ‘plastic’.  ‘Neuroplasticity’ supports the findings that people with PD can sometimes learn to walk consciously.  Through careful teaching, and with dedicated practice, people can overcome some restrictions associated with PD and other neurological problems. 

In September 2016 I hosted John Pepper in Vancouver BC, Canada.  200 people attended John Pepper’s presentations, heartwarming experience for all.

John Pepper teamed with Feldenkrais teachers Sonja Johansson and Marg Bartosek to present the Walking and Parkinson’s Workshop at the FGNA Conference Saturday, August 26, 2017.

As I continue teaching John Pepper’s Conscious Walking for Parkinson’s, elements of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® lessons support the learning process.  Included is a practice plan for everyone.  These lessons are useful for those with PD and related neurological conditions, their families, caregivers, physicians, physical therapists, anyone interested in working with neurological approaches to balance and walking.   Reflecting on horizons of understanding is a cornerstone of my work with this population and their dedication to practice.

Feldenkrais® practitioners Jane Williams & Katarina Halm continue teaching John Pepper’s Conscious Walking for Parkinson’s.  Elements from Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons support the learning process.   Included is a practice plan for everyone. These lessons are useful for those with PD and related neurological conditions, their families, caregivers, physicians, physical therapists, anyone interested in working with neurological approaches to balance and walking.

 Vancouver BC Canada Westside, North Shore, and Online

Everyone is welcome
Please be sure to REGISTER  to request your lessons
and complete our WAIVER:
Waiver for Feldenkrais® & Katarina Halm’s Thinking in Movement Studio, including John Pepper’s Conscious Walking for Parkinson’s

References include:
Article on John Pepper’s contribution to the Feldenkrais® Method
Key article in Neuroscience Observer
For Canadians:  John Pepper on Video as part of CBC The Nature of Things with David Suzuki
Our Invitation.

PDF of John Pepper’s Fast Walking Logbook Dec 2016

 Archives for John Pepper in Vancouver

John Pepper in Vancouver BC poster 

John Pepper Richmond BC Library poster

John Pepper Salt Spring BC poster

PWR!MOVES® event sponsored by the Richmond Library

John Pepper and his Parkinson’s Disease Experience