* Focusing Class Descriptions

* Sample Syllabus (PDF)

Teaching Method
As we progress over several weeks, months or years, I remain open to what you like to do and what you do well. I support you to build on your strengths as you increase your confidence with Focusing partnership, your solo Focusing and your practice teaching. Through conversations, sessions and written feedback, a natural process unfolds gradually at your pace, for your optimum learning. You easily refine your Focusing practice and discover your own best ways to learn and teach. There is also an on-line forum in which you may participate if you wish.

Foundational Focusing Programme
Pre-requisites: registration form, Focusing session, consultation with Katarina,
Pre-requisite/Concurrently: Whole Body Focusing as furthered by Astrid Schillings
Levels 1-4: Each Level may be 5 Meetings – 2 hour classes (10 CEC) or as indicated by your individual programme
See studio calendar for current times / additional dates upon request
1. Level 1: Encountering the Inner Relationship Description of Level 1 Focusing
2. Level 2: Accompanying the Inner Relationship, and Level 2 Practicum Description of Level 2 Focusing
3. Level 3: The Guides Journey, and Level 3 Practicum Description of Level 3 Focusing and Level 3 Practicum
4. Level 4: The Centre of the Maze Description of Level 4 Focusing

Focusing partnership practice will be part of your continuing program beginning with Level 1. Levels 1-4 plus partnership practice and a self assessment with your Mentor(s) including your certifying coordinator, may lead to the Proficiency as a Focusing Partner (PFP) Award: http://www.focusing.org/proficiency_as_focusing_partner.html

 5. Level 5 Guiding New People: a small circle of students each giving a first Focusing session for a person new to Focusing, including didactic support and feedback from the group and the teacher.

6. Modules A, B, C, D, E – courses tailored to specific groups, introducing topics relevant to Focusing and somatic education. Modules A-E are open to those not in teacher training.
Feldenkrias® & Focusing Modules

Focusing Professional & Teacher Programme
Katarina Halm, Focusing Trainer, will work closely with each teacher trainee and also  collaborate with at least one Focusing Institute (TFI) Certifying Coordinator throughout your teacher training.  You may choose your own ITFI (http://www.focusing.org/) Certifying Coordinator who aligns with your specific interests. We will develop your personal syllabus together as you progress at a pace that is comfortable for you.

ITFI (http://www.focusing.org/) Certifying Coordinator (CC)
Several Certifying Coordinators (CC) have worked closely with the studio during the past decade. You may know of a CC who you could ask to be your coordinator.  In addition to ITFI there are other options such as the British Focusing Association (BFA) http://www.focusing.org.uk/,

Continuing Syllabus for Focusing Professional and Teacher Programme
Following the Foundational Programme, you will continue with at least one ongoing Focusing partnership, as well as giving six to ten Focusing sessions per month. Your training will be adapted to suit your interests from following syllabus:

1. Teacher training Modules 1, 2, 3 – described below.
2. Certification reading: general Focusing classics and also reading related to your special interests.
3. Choosing your Mentor/Mentors and participating in Three Self Assessments (you many choose one to four Mentors).
4. Ongoing Focusing partnership
5. Ten one-to-one Focusing sessions with either of your Mentors (at least one session per month during the first five months of your training and less frequently if you wish after that). May be scheduled in person or by telephone.
6. Thirty Guided Sessions with Feedback: sessions that you give to people new to Focusing.
7. Creating a Certification Project.
8. Designing and teaching your first Level One Focusing class, with support from your Mentor(s) and Modules 1, 2, 3.
9. Optional Components and Modules A, B, C, D, E
10. Celebrating your certification and continuing your relationship with the Focusing Institute.

Description of Focusing Professional and Teacher Programme
Modules 1, 2, 3 – Katarina Halm will be teaching these courses which are my adaptations of three teacher training modules originally designed by Ann Weiser Cornell. The Focusing Teacher’s Manual by Ann Weiser Cornell will be our primary reference. You may choose to  participate in the Modules 1, 2, 3 taught by Ann Weiser Cornell by teleconference.

Module 1: Giving Individual Focusing Sessions and Tutorials

Module 2: Teaching Focusing to Groups

Module 3: Developing your Focusing Practice and Bringing Focusing into the World

Choosing your Mentors and Three Self Assessments: Katarina Halm will be primary Mentor for those in continuing studies with Thinking in Movement Studio . If you wish, you may choose additional Mentors from our group of Mentors, Focusing Teachers and Focusing Guides who you already know from your Levels 1-4 studies, You may also choose an additional mentor from our Listening Circles and workshops with special Guest Teachers or others from the world-wide community of Focusing teachers.  In addition you will choose your certifying coordinator 
* Please note your chosen (TFI) Certifying Coordinator may be present at your self assessments.

Your first, second and third self-assessments are Focusing sessions which take place when you feel ready: once at the beginning, once in the middle and once at the end of your training. During these sessions you reflect on your Focusing journey and the progress of your training to become a Focusing teacher. Your first Mentor will always be present, the (TFI) Certifying Coordinator and your second/third/fourth Mentor(s) may also be present to respond whenever you request reflection or guidance during your sessions. Your Mentors will also offer feedback and support at the end of each of your self assessment Focusing sessions.

At least one ongoing Focusing partnership: in addition to practicing with your fellow classmates, you will have an opportunity to meet Focusers at our Listening Circles, Changes Groups, and Study Groups. You may ask for contact information from our pool of Focusing Guides, Focusing students, Focusing teachers and Focusing teacher trainees. These Focusers who participate at the studio and by teleconference come from various schools of Focusing; some have advanced training in Focusing and have been Focusing for many years. These opportunities to practice are most valuable for you in securing your Focusing skills and making the Focusing process your very own. As a teacher in training you will benefit from partnering with Focusers from a variety of backgrounds and training.

Guided Sessions with Feedback
– individual guided sessions that the you give as part of your training. Up to three sessions for one person may be included, thus you will guide sessions for at least ten different people. Following each session you complete a Guide’s report form to communicate your experience, observations and questions to your Mentors who will respond. Your client completes a short form describing his/her experience of the session including any comments and questions. In some cases you may choose to support your client by writing a summary of his/her response to the session. Your Mentors offer didactic support in person, by email, by telephone, and/or on-line forum if you choose to participate in our on line forum.

Sometimes there is a question of ‘supervision for client practice’ during your studies of Levels 3 & 4:  you will of course use the learnings in your life and work.  However there is a specific format where we offer supervision for using Focusing sessions with clients once a student is in teacher training with us.  We develop a plan uniquely suited to each trainee.

Certification Project – your Certification Project will develop your own special interests in bringing Focusing into the world. Each of your Mentors will offer support as you create your Focusing project.

Optional Components and Modules A, B, C, D, E
Developing your personal program from the  areas described above will be adequate for your teacher certification. You may choose to participate in additional classes, projects, groups or private tutorials which resonate for you.. I offer these additional components as a support for your developing Focusing and teaching skills. You may attend some classes to see how you like them, and then decide whether you wish to participate in the full series. Based on your interests, abilities, and past experience, I may recommend certain classes, and always your degree of participation will be at your pace and by your choice. In addition classes taught by guest teachers will be posted on our calendar and I welcome you to request classes and visiting teachers in areas that interest you, and we will create a Module E.

Working with Ann Weiser Cornell and Lucinda Hayden at Focusing Resources
As a Focusing trainee at Thinking In Movement, you may also choose to assist Ann Weiser Cornell, Carol Nickerson, Lucinda Hayden with their classes at Focusing Resources. If this option is available there may be a special fee ($140) paid directly to Focusing Resources for this excellent opportunity to assist in their on-line or tele-classes.

Maintaining your Relationship with the Focusing Institute and Completion of your Training:

At the beginning of training you will join The Focusing Institute as a Trainer-in-Training and pay $75 per year from the beginning of your training. There is also a final payment for your certification of either $500 or participating in a Certification Workshop in New York which has a $500 fee plus room and board. Following your certification as a Focusing Professional there is a yearly fee, currently $125.

Certification Training Fees:
* Please contact Katarina for Individual certification mentoring fees, which are set according to your programme.
* Fees for your additional certification mentors are separate from your fees to Katarina and the final TFI graduation fee.
* As part of your certification training there is an annual fee to The Focusing Institute (TFI) as a Trainer-in-Training, (e.g. $75 per year for Canadians).
* There is also a final payment to The Focusing Institute of either $500 (http://www.focusing.org/eShop/10Expand.asp?ProductCode=CF06-1), or you may participate in  a Weeklong Certification Workshop in New York – the certification fee is included in the fee for the workshop. Some scholarships are available, and extended payment plans can be arranged with TFI. Once you are certified the fees are $125 per year to TFI.

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Questions, responses, welcoming further questions:

Thank you to those who sent your questions.  Perhaps you wish to start with Focusing on what certification, in its many aspects, might mean to you. Once you have completed some of the basic levels we can talk about possibilities for you to assist with or repeat the current series Focusing classes.

Birrell Walsh writes about the benefits of  repeating a class:  “As with any art, the basics are always the most important part. With focusing, this is doubly true. We are learning a way of perceiving that is not customary in our culture, and sometimes we need repeated exposure to get it. Each time I repeat a class, something that I had heard before suddenly becomes meaningful to me.”   – Birrell Walsh Ph.D. is the author of Praying for Others (2003, Crossroad Publishing) and Heart Left Open (2009, lulu.com).

A question from a Focuser in Canada:
“Do you have to take the teacher training program to be certified to do one on one Focusing sessions professionally?”

Katarina’s response:
I would say ‘yes’ to your question about the Focusing teacher training program, and it will be good to sense into this ‘yes’, so that the meaning of the ‘yes’ becomes clear for you in your very own way.

To be certified in Focusing you complete a teacher training.  Of course many people use Focusing in another profession. However, they the may not say they are a Focusing Professional unless they  have completed the teacher training.

The training for you to certify as a Focusing Professional will be developed according to your interests and plans for working with Focusing upon certification. As a student teacher/trainee you will have the opportunity to guide people and be supported by your mentor or mentors. Once you complete your training including supervision by your chosen (TFI) Certifying Coordinator, you would be registered by the Focusing Institute as a Focusing Professional.

Gentle sturdy steps,