Walk for Life is an accessible and effective program to improve walking. The course is creative and fun and is guaranteed to enrich your walking experience.
Ruthy Alon
Founder of Movement Intelligence
Notes from Katarina Halm

Katarina Halm – Movement Intelligence & Focusing
With the year 2016 I celebrated ten years teaching as a certified practitioner of the Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education.
We offer a certification track for those who wish to become certified in any or all of the five modalities of the Movement Intelligence Programme as developed by Feldenkrais® teacher Ruthy Alon: Bones for Life®, Chairs, Walk for Life, Mindful Eating, and Solutions for Optimal Mobility. Please see see Ruthy’s site for a beautiful informative description.
The Walk For Life Program
The program includes a 48 hour workshop of Walk for Life which includes walking outdoors with the use of poles, as well as an indoor movement laboratory of simple, yet sophisticated strategies for upgrading the quality of body coordination.
The program is following the patterns of locomotion from evolution, tracking the Movement Intelligence which have refined them, throughout millions of years of trial and error, in ever perfection urge to enhance efficiency proved functioning, in service of life.
Poles are used not only to secure equilibrium, but also to revive the arms primal function of the quadrupeds’ front legs. In transmitting the rebounding force, generated from stepping on the ground, the poles work to thrust the shoulder blade backward to activate the upper spine, restoring vital flexibility and cooperation, in the most stiff.
Page Credits
Much of the information on this page is taken directly from Ruthy Alon’s beautiful site here. Movement Intelligence, Bones for Life®, Walk for Life, Chairs, Mindful Eating, Solutions for Optimal Mobility are terms used by her and we at the Studio consider them Trademarked and proprietary. We use them with gratitude.