Bones for Life® ‘Basic Principles’

An intriguing composite image by Elizabeth Keith
‘What Texting does to your spine’ from Elizabeth Keith

Ten Bones for Life® Basic Principles
~ Welcoming you to ponder, practice, and post your notes!

BFL Principle #1: Explorations of options: The system chooses what is right for the situation present (Organic Kinaesthetic Learning)

BFL Principle #2: Multi-Angle Pressure

BFL Principle #3: Learning through Passivity

BFL Principle #4: Use of Polarized Movement

BFL Principle #5: Awareness of the Posterior

BFL Principle #6: Proportional Flexibility
~ Sense when you move with a flexibility that is proportional throughout your whole body and being … perhaps it brings you a feeling of being sturdy, delicately gentle while being strong … turning a little this way and that way from your very center.

BFL Principle #7: Use of surface contact

BFL Principle #8: Cultivating the memory of the pathway of pressure

BFL Principle #8: Accumulating consensus

BFL Principle #10: Deprogramming the compulsive addiction through selective inhibition

The list of BFL Principles, immediately useful and inspiring, is now ordered numerically to enhance the flow of reflections and teaching strategies which we will explore during the coming weeks and months.

*CREDIT:  The original list of principles was provided by Carol Montgomery during the Bones for Life® 3 training she taught in Phoenix AZ 2011 as a part of the Integrated Learning Center of Mid America’s (ILCMA )BFL training program.

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