Honouring Christel and Siegfried Kraft ~ Corona Plaza Life ~ Thurs Feb 4 & Fri Feb 5, 2021

Honouring Christel and Siegfried Kraft
~ Corona Plaza Life ~
Thurs Feb 4 & Fri Feb 5, 2021
Notes with love and appreciation from Katarina Halm
Christel and Siegfried Kraft passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 21, 2021, at their home in Manitoba Canada.
With deep sadness and gratitude. Please email if you have pictures of Christel to contribute to our Memorial.

Christel and Siegfried will be central to my offering:
Corona Plaza Life: Focusing ~ Feldenkrais® ~ Dancing Thursday, Feb 4, 2021 

Then the next day Bruce Nayowith will host a formal gathering to honour Christel:
Corona Plaza Life: Memorial for Christel Kraft Friday, Feb 5, 2021

A fifteen-year Focusing friendship and collaboration
Christel and  I shared dancing and Focusing ever since Christel invited Ann Weiser Cornell to teach Treasure Maps to the Soul Retreat * in the Prarie town of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in October 2007.  We danced for Ann’s birthday and went on to create projects for those who were training with us to become Focusing teachers.


Conversations with Christel
In 2015 Christel Kraft discussed a connection between the current day Psychical exploration and Focusing.  Christel: “a deeper exploration of Focusing and Meditation brings much beauty that I experience in my own life.  Previously Focusing was a beginning of some inner resonating, and that is in the process of expanding now. It is a kind of ongoingness of something already familiar from years ago.  Now this is expressively opening in an expansive way towards a development of our human being-ness.”
Psychical research is concerned with a capacity that some human beings have developed and that all humans are capable of. Focusing, likewise, holds an implying of next steps. Christel Kraft notes :“Focusing is an organic kind of opening, exploring, expanding. As we are saying the words they are already expanding into something new. It is constant movement, a mulit-dimensional field of movement.“

* Treasure Maps to the Soul
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