Announcing the publication of the Feldenkrais Research Journal: Volume 7: Researching Diverse Applications

Announcing the publication of the Feldenkrais Research Journal: Volume 7: Researching Diverse Applications This Volume brings forth new research, reflections on practice, and reviews about the diverse ways in which the Feldenkrais Method is applied in the world. Research topics include Feldenkrais for adolescent dancers during the pandemic, for experienced pianists, improvisation in music making […]

☆ Grannies… climate

Seven slides for a summary of the article: ☆ Grannies… climate change ☆☆ 2024 02 18 Seven Slide Summary (KH) Audio reading of the article: ☆ Grannies take Switzerland to court on behalf of climate change by Susanne Wenger Swiss Review December 2023 AUDIO (informal reading KH)   PDF full article:  ☆ Grannies take Switzerland to court on behalf of […]

Audio readings KH / Stern, D. 2003

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Perhaps you may enjoy my audio readings and would like to request themes.  ☆Contributions to the Inclusion Initiative & Studio ☆ your support will be timely.  Meanwhile, to begin, here is Stern, D. – CH 10 The Process of Moving Along pp. 149 – 186 (138.2 MB) The Present Moment in […]