Bones for Life® Thinking in Movement Studio

Enjoy classes ~ Option to continue towards certification. * We look forward to seeing new students and those interested in continuing their BFL® journey CALENDAR  Calendar Thinking in Movement (Apr-Dec 2023)  Information page:  Bones for Life® & Movement Intelligence  ♡ Sign up Links  Bones for Life® Impromptu Lessons  Monthly on the Second Friday at 2 […]

Thinking in Movement ~ Autumn 2023

Thinking in Movement Autumn 2023 Moshé Feldenkrais encouraged his students to create programs inspired by his teaching. Bones for Life® and Sounder Sleep System® are based on Feldenkrais principles. We are dedicated to the Feldenkrais Method® and related modalities at Thinking in Movement Studio.  Contact & Calendar Sign up for the Studio or Inclusion Projects […]

‘The Politics of Attention and the Promise of Mindfulness’

Focusing Facilitators as the New Educators and Leaders ~ everyone is welcome: PDF Description Focusing Facilitators as the New Educators and Leaders PDF Larry Berger has been developing a philosophy of attention for many years over the course of his academic career. He was formerly a business school professor at the universities of Iowa and […]

Fifty Years in Motion ~ Israeli Feldenkrais Festival Aug 1st, 2021

The Israeli Guild Feldenkrais Festival ~ Fifty Years in Motion ‘Join us from around the world’ ‘Live Feldenkrais lessons in six languages!’ Events with the Israeli Guild on the 1st of August  will take place both on Zoom and on Facebook The Zoom meeting link: Facebook page ~ when the live broadcast is soon […]

Daniel Swain, climate scientist

Inviting your comments: Short Interview with Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles who is an authority on extreme weather, wildfires, and other climate impacts. Noting Swain’s statement: “I’m less convinced that recent events tell us that things are moving faster than projections have suggested,” Swain said. “But I […]