Stuart and Hubert Dreyfus The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition (1980)

Studio study page   The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition Stuart E. Dreyfus University of California, Berkeley   


Dreyfus model of skill acquisition – Wikipedia

Brothers Stuart and Hubert Dreyfus proposed the model in 1980 in an 18-page report on their research at the University of California, Berkeley, Operations

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Taiji & Feldenkrais® Classes

2/ Gendlin, E. (1987). A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism: The Significance of the Awareness Movement. Gendlin, E. (1987). A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism: The Significance of the Awareness Movement. [PDF format available] Annotated notes below FROM AND (contents links at the end of this page)   A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism: The Significance of the Awareness Movement by Eugene T. Gendlin Chapter in D.M. Levin

3/ A CHANGED GROUND FOR PRECISE COGNITION Eugene Gendlin University of Chicago In this article I will argue that there is an implicit kind of precision different from the logical but not unrelated. The two kinds have to be kept separate. The power of logical inference depends on the concepts’ own patterns and would be lost […]   6136 A CHANGED GROUND FOR PRECISE COGNITION Eugene Gendlin 


 Hubert Lederer Dreyfus – Wikipedia

(/ˈdrfəs/; 1929–2017) was an American philosopher and professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. His main interests included phenomenologyexistentialism and the philosophy of both psychology and literature, as well as the philosophical implications of artificial intelligence. He was known for his exegesis of Martin Heidegger, which critics labeled “Dreydegger”.[3]

Dreyfus is featured in Tao Ruspoli‘s film Being in the World (2010),[4] and was amongst the philosophers interviewed by Bryan Magee for the BBC Television series The Great Philosophers (1987).[5]

The Futurama character Professor Hubert Farnsworth is partly named after him, writer Eric Kaplan having been a former student.[6]

Stuart Dreyfus – Wikipedia

A native of Terre Haute, IndianaStuart E. Dreyfus is Professor Emeritus at University of California, Berkeley in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department. While at the Rand Corporation he was a programmer of the JOHNNIAC computer.[1][2] While at Rand he coauthored Applied Dynamic Programming with Richard Bellman. Following that work, he was encouraged to pursue a Ph.D. which he completed in applied mathematics at Harvard University in 1964, on the calculus of variations. In 1962, Dreyfus simplified the Dynamic Programming-based derivation of backpropagation (due to Henry J. Kelley and Arthur E. Bryson) using only the chain rule.[3][4][5][6] He also coauthored Mind Over Machine with his brother Hubert Dreyfus in 1986.[7]

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