Announcing the publication of the Feldenkrais Research Journal: Volume 7: Researching Diverse Applications

Announcing the publication of the Feldenkrais Research Journal: Volume 7: Researching Diverse Applications

This Volume brings forth new research, reflections on practice, and reviews about the diverse ways in which the Feldenkrais Method is applied in the world. Research topics include Feldenkrais for adolescent dancers during the pandemic, for experienced pianists, improvisation in music making practice, and for workplace stress – with more studies to come. There are thoughtful and informative reflections on the understanding of Feldenkrais Method in education and in the training of actors. You can find the Journal right here:

In keeping with the theme of this volume, this new Volume brings our research to a wider audience. In this volume all the articles will also appear in Spanish translation thanks to the skill and dedication of the Spanish Translation Group for the IFF Research Journal.

Volume 7 includes:
• Several new research studies exploring the diversity of application and research methods
• Systematic reviews of research into the Feldenkrais Method
• Key articles from other journals that may not have been easily available, or from earlier volumes of this journal, are reprinted and/or translated
• There are several more research studies in preparation, which we plan to publish soon in Volume 7.
Please take a look and see what is in Volume 7 – also take a look back at earlier volumes to see if there are some articles you have missed. They are all there in our archives:

Coming up: Volume 8 has the theme of “Research methods: What we should research and how?”. It is in early preparation, and Volume 9 will be another general issue. We invite contributions  addressing forms of research and all aspects of research. Contact us if you are interested in writing for the Journal. We always need new contributors and reviewers.
  Our thanks go as always to colleagues who contribute to the journal as writers, readers, translators – and to the IFF community which supports the Feldenkrais Research Journal.
You can contact us at: [email protected]

Cliff Smyth, Editor

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