Feldenkrais® Lessons ~ Daily Improvement

Dear Friends, We welcome you to join us for Feldenkrais Method®—Awareness Through Movement® lessons sponsored by the Daily Improvement Collective. Feldenkrais lessons are a unique somatic approach that uses mindful movement exploration to bring new awareness and possibility into every aspect of life. The Daily Improvement Collective offers Feldenkrais classes online 365 days a year. […]

Thinking in Movement Newsletter ~ May 10, 2024

We Warmly Welcome You to join us. Some of our classes and projects are listed below. ​Contributions to the studio​: please consider a recurring contribution or offer to help with a simple task to help the studio continue. ​Testimonials and let us know your wishes​. A golden bell for your practice! Katarina Thinking in Movement […]

Michaël Hébert An introduction to Real Time Focusing and the playful practice of Presence-Audio

Michaël Hébert Presence-Audio at Help for Helpers May 13, 2024 ~ please click for a descriptive  Handout Gene Gendlin has said that «  The most important thing, the essence of working in Focusing with another person, is to be present as a human being ». Acknowledging that this is the most important ingredient, how can […]

Laura Read & Karen Quatsoe April 29, 2024

Welcoming you to be with us! Laura Read & Karen Quatsoe April 29, 2024 Exploring the Experiential Space of the Divided Brain: Left Hemisphere Scaffolding for Right Hemisphere Process   We will be experimenting with language and the arts to recognize and feel two very different ways of attending to the world: the wide open, […]

Lessons with Luis Enrique Flores in English & en Español

Lessons with Enrique Flores in English & en Español Wednesdays June and July, 2024 Please click to register for the Bones for Life® class Registration/ Registro   About the project and Luis Fores / Acerca de Luis Forés ¿Cuáles son aquellos hábitos corporales, de postura, o de respiración que realmente desconocemos por actuar sin que nosotros […]