Calendar Updates
/1 Comment/in AY, Feldenkrais® & Focusing, Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education, Focusing, Sleep/by happybonesBones for Life® Thinking in Movement Studio
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by happybonesEnjoy classes ~ Option to continue towards certification. * We look forward to seeing new students and those interested in continuing their BFL® journey CALENDAR Calendar Thinking in Movement (Apr-Dec 2023) Information page: Bones for Life® & Movement Intelligence ♡ Sign up Links Bones for Life® Impromptu Lessons Monthly on the Second Friday at 2 […]
Thinking in Movement ~ Autumn 2023
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized/by happybonesThinking in Movement Autumn 2023 Moshé Feldenkrais encouraged his students to create programs inspired by his teaching. Bones for Life® and Sounder Sleep System® are based on Feldenkrais principles. We are dedicated to the Feldenkrais Method® and related modalities at Thinking in Movement Studio. Contact & Calendar Sign up for the Studio or Inclusion Projects […]
‘The Politics of Attention and the Promise of Mindfulness’
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by happybonesFocusing Facilitators as the New Educators and Leaders ~ everyone is welcome: PDF Description Focusing Facilitators as the New Educators and Leaders PDF Larry Berger has been developing a philosophy of attention for many years over the course of his academic career. He was formerly a business school professor at the universities of Iowa and […]
The following are registrations, copyrights, trademarks and credits to which we are indebted: The name of this website is from “Thinking in Movement”, chapter 12 in the book Primacy of Movement, expanded 2nd edition 2011, by Maxine Sheets-Johnstone. Bones for Life™ is a registered trademark of Ruthy Alon; Pregnant Pauses™ is a registered trademark of Alan Questel. SOUNDER SLEEP SYSTEM® is a copyright of Paris Kern, the founder was Michael Krugman. Yamuna Body Rolling® is a registered trademark of Yamuna Zake.
Katarina Halm, M.A., GCFP, CFT GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education – Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA) Nominating Commitee, Practitioner;
CFT Focusing & Dream Appreciation: CFT Focusing & Dream Appreciation: Certified Focusing Trainer with The International Focusing Institute;
Level 3 Instructor Canadian Taijiquan Federation; Pregnant Pauses®, Practitioner;
Sounder Sleep System™Assistant Trainer; Yamuna Body Rolling®,Practitioner;
Movement Intelligence (MI) Trainer providing Certification training in:(1) Bones for Life® (2) Chairs (3) Walk for Life (4) Mindful Eating (5) Solutions for Optimum Mobility.
Feldenkrais Canada
The following are service marks, trademarks, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in Canada: Feldenkrais Guild(TM), Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais® Method or Feldenkrais Method(TM), Awareness Through Movement®, Prise de conscience par le mouvement(MD), Functional Integration®, FI(TM), L’intégration fonctionnelle(MD), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher(TM) , GCFT(TM), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(TM), GCFP(TM), Certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Teacher(TM), CFATMT(TM), Friends of Feldenkrais(SM) , Feldenkrais Journal(TM), and FGNA Feldenkrais Method Logo.
Feldenkrais US
The following are service marks, trademarks, collective, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in the US: Feldenkrais Guild®, Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, GCFT(CM), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM), GCFP(CM), Certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Teacher(CM), CFATMT(CM), Feldenkrais Journal(TM), Friends of Feldenkrais(SM), and FGNA Feldenkrais Method Logo.