“We act in accordance with our self-image” Moshé Feldenkrais

“We act in accordance with our self-image. This self-image—which, in turn, governs our every act—is conditioned in varying degree by three factors: heritage, education, and self-education.” –– Moshé Feldenkrais, Preface to Awareness through Movement. 1972, 1977 “In those moments when awareness succeeds in being at one with feeling, senses, movement, and thought, the carriage will […]

Thursdays June 2020

__________________________________  Focusing on Borden Thursdays June 4. 11, 18. 25, 2020 3:30 pm (Pacific time) http://www.focusingonborden.com/workshops Jenna Chevalier,  Katarina Halm, Ann Johnston, Serge Prengel A four week series of free classes via zoom. These evenings will consist of an opening grounding exercise, a 45-minute class, followed by small group Focusing & Listening in breakout rooms. Click […]

“the fittest may also be the gentlest, because survival often requires mutual help and cooperation’ (Dobzhansky, 1962).

Our page dedicated to PolyVagal Model ~ Adapting to social distancing ~ Developing relational intricacies includes articles and resources. Here are a quote and list of section titles from a recent article by Stephen W. Porges. QUOTING PORGES ON DOBZHANSKY “the fittest may also be the gentlest, because survival often requires mutual help and cooperation’ (Dobzhansky, […]

‘International Feldenkrais® Week’ Feldenkrais & Taiji Free Zoom classes during May 2020!

Free online classes via ZOOM ‘International Feldenkrais® Week’ Feldenkrais® & Taiji during May 2020! ADAPTING TO CHANGE: We are keeping safe and learning how to adapt to changes. 45-minute lessons (listed in Pacific time) Mondays: 1:15 pm ~ May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Tuesdays: 11:00 am ~ May 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Fridays: 1:15 pm ~ […]

Newly published article by Jan Winhall on the felt sense polyvagal model

I have updated the page dedicated to PolyVagal Model ~ Adapting to social distancing ~ Developing relational intricacies with the newly published article by Jan Winhall from the University of Toronto! Also on the page are PDF links to Jan Winhall’s graphics representing the felt sense polyvagal model of emotional regulation.   Addiction from the Bottom Up: […]